About Hooks & Chains

Hooks & Chains started because of a Steampunk convention. Linnea was planning to attend said convention, and wanted a crocheted octopus to use as a fascinator. She found a pattern online and asked Jack to make one for her. The first octopus was a disaster. Then Jack adapted the pattern and made the next generation of octopi adorable. He made three for Linnea to take with her, and she sold two right off of her head to fellow convention-goers. (She could have sold the third too, but was unwilling to let go of it.) Jack was already selling wristwarmers at the booth he managed at the Renaissance Faire, so the next step was to add the octopi to his repertoire. Eventually, Jack & Linnea ended up with their own booth, and they bring their crocheted critters to Renaissance Faires and conventions all over California.